Thursday, January 3, 2008


Some memorable events from 2007...
Zeke was 1 year old. Elijah turned 3.
In January, we had a huge ice storm in Springfield and lost power for over a week. We spent that time at my parent's house with them and my cousin Robbie and his family.
Wes and I both worked for Saladmaster Healthy Cooking Center.
In July, my grandma "Mimi" started having seizures, spent about 5 days in the hospital before passing away on July 31. This was by far one of the hardest times of my life. I miss Mimi more than I ever imagined possible.
In August and September, Wes began talking to several churches about youth ministry positions. After much prayer and lots of talking, we moved to Maryville, MO at the end of September.
And that's where we are now...serving God at First Baptist Church, Maryville. It's been a hard year, but it's been a good year. Only God can make those two words go together so well!

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